X-Files Spoof
Well, for starters, I did not write this. Well, I kind of did, but didn't. I downloaded this script generator for X-Files. In it there are a bunch of buttons. You click Scully and a quote pops up, you click Mulder and a quote pops up. There are also actions and many other characters to choose from. So just by pushing random buttons it made this funny script. As a spur-of-the-moment thing, we decided to tape it. Below are the different scenes and listed are a type of commentary. I was going to have an audio commentary, but thought I would talk the whole time about one scene and the others wouldn't be touched. So here it is, the written commentary.
Scene 1 - Somewhere Dark and Spooky

This was the actual location that the script said, and I found it quite humorous. The times listed are estimated times of filming, the generator didn't give time as an option. The characters you see on the picture to the left is: Andrea Voulgaropoulos as Agent Dana Scully, Mike Damp as Agent Fox Mulder, the last guy shown here is my brother Scott Roemaat as Man 1. There is also another person in this scene, but didn't show up in the shot, she is off to the right. I don't remember her name, and feel really bad about it. If you look at the credits it says Woman played by ???, that is her.

This was a hard scene to shoot considering the loud smokers behind me while I was shooting this. They kept yelling about scooters, I don't know why, there were no portable transportation units in this scene at all. I also made the mistake of keeping the auto-focus on the whole time, and that is why it gets blurry at some parts. We only took like three takes of this because it was really cold out.

One last thing about this scene, and then we can move on. In case you were wondering, this Dark and Spooky place is right outside my dorm next to the garbage dumpster. If you ask me, that is pretty Dark and Spooky.

Theme Song

There isn't much to say about this sequence, except for the fact that I basically stole it from an episode of the X-Files. I replaced the names of Scully and Mulder, since in this episode of the X-Files, hehe, David and Gillian didn't show up for this day of shooting. I was going to replace Chris Carter's name with mine, but then I realized that I didn't create the X-Files, so I left his name alone.

I am going to say this right away also. X-Files is copyrighted by Chris Carter and his whole company thing. This was just a funny little joke, I made no money off this, and I don't want to get sued. So Chris, please be nice to us, it was all in good fun.

Scene 2 - Antartica

I cheated a little with this script. The actual location was supposed to be the Grand Canyon. Living in the dorms miles, rephrase that states, away from anything resembling a Grand Canyon, I decided to replace it with something more reasonable. Since there was a lot of snow on the ground, we thought Antartica was a fine choice. I stood on top of the picnic table only a couple feet from the Dark and Spooky place, and aimed the camera down somewhat, so all that could be seen was snow.

Time to talk about the casting decisions I made for this scene. Andrea was playing Scully for the whole thing, so that was given. As for the Mad Priest, this was quite tricky. Naw, just kidding, this is my roommate Justin Calaway. After casting him, I kind of regretted it. Before we filmed it he was practicing in our room, and scared away three women while screaming the lines, "When? Why? You Will Respect Me!" But since the damage was done, I figured, "Aw, what the hell, there's hotter women out there."

Scene 3 - Morgue

This scene is supposed to be shot in a morgue. I just want to point out that this was filled in a dorm late at night, so it wasn't easy trying to get into a morgue, let alone find one. So this scene is actually filmed in the laundry room. We put Justin in one of the dryers to make it look more like a morgue. This is funny, because it wasn't till later that I realized how he died in the scene before and it fit real well.

As for the casting, Mulder and Scully were the same people and will be throughout the video, so I won't emphasize that anymore. This is the second scene that my brother is in. Total he plays 3 different characters in the entire film. He made his outfit look different throughout the whole thing. He did this so you wouldn't get confused and say, "Didn't he already die?" No, that was a different character and scene. I hope that clears some stuff up.

Scene 4 - Outside

The script said that this scene was outside. That’s all, just outside. So if you wanted to, you could say this is outside the morgue. I do, it makes more since that way, since they just came from there.

This scene is shot in the back of our dorm and if you moved the camera a ways to the right you could see inside the "Morgue" from the outside. Like I said before it is really cold out, and the bench was covered in snow. If you look at the picture to the left, you can see snow right next to Mike on the bench. We tried to do this scene really fast, because Mike and Andrea's asses were getting wet and frozen. The doors on the back of our dorm were locked, so we had Justin by the door to let us back in. Incase you were wondering what Mike is doing at the beginning of this scene; he is supposed to look like he is eating sunflower seeds. Mulder eats them in the show all the time, and it came up on the script generator.

Scene 5 - Scully's Apartment

After filming the last seen, Mike and Andrea were happy to do a scene inside, and in a warm bed also. When I made the script, this was the funniest scene to read. There was so many sexual innuendoes, and I didn't think it would work acted out, but Mike and Andrea did a good job. It was funny, because we did this scene with the door shut because it was quiet hours, and it didn't work with everyone else in the room that wasn't in this scene. So Scott is sitting out in the hall waiting for us to get done with the scene. In this scene there is a lot of screaming and moaning, and it was a funny thought of Scott sitting outside the door listening to this, and the fact that if someone walked by, they would think he is some kind of pervert.

When we decided to do this scene we were trying to find a somewhat feminine room since it was Scully's. None of us had a room that could have been believed to be Scully's Apartment. So we decided to pick Andrea's even though it wasn't that feminine. It didn't really matter though, since it was just a close up on the bed.

Scene 6 - Somewhere Dark and Spooky

Now for the last scene. This is the exact same place we had the last "Somewhere Dark and Spooky" scene, except it is a lot later. The actors in this scene again are Mike, Andrea, Scott, and another person whose name eludes me. This is the only scene in which Scott doesn't die. The other girl is supposed to be an alien, but we didn't have a costume, and it didn't matter too much. So when you watch the credits you will know who the alien is.

The last line that Andrea had was a very tricky one. The fact that the whole script wasn't written very complex, and this line came up with many big words, made it very hard to memorize last minute. When Andrea read it, she kept screwing up making everyone laugh. I tried to talk to best take on it, but if you listen, you can tell Mike is laughing while saying his line. This is also why the scene cuts to the credits so fast.


Not much to say about the credits, but I felt like making commentary for them anyway. I listed everyone's names that I remembered and who they played. Then a picture and address to my website, plus ways to contact me. So far over 40 people have downloaded this, but none of them told me what they thought, so that is why I put that there.

The fact that this is an X-Files spoof, I had to put the very end of the show on it, because to me it was really funny. "I made this." The fact that I did make it, and the fact it was X-Files made it fit in so well.